Cross references:
1. tack
1. wear \'wa(*)r, 'we(*)r\ \'wo-(*)r, 'wo.(*)r\ \'wo-(*)rn, 'wo.(*)rn\
\'war-*-b*l, 'wer-\ vb or wore; or worn or wear.ing [ME weren, fr. OE
werian; akin to ON verja to clothe, invest,] spend, L vestis clothing,
garment, Gk hennynai to clothe 1: to bear or have upon the person {wore a
coat} 2a: to use habitually for clothing or adornment {~s a toupee } 2b:
to carry on the person {~ a sword} 3a: to hold the rank or dignity or
position signified by (an ornament) { ~ the royal crown} 3b: to have or
show an appearance of {wore a happy smile} 3c: to show or fly (a flag or
colors) on a ship 4a: to cause to deteriorate by use 4b: to impair or
diminish by use or attrition : consume or waste gradual ly {letters on the
stone worn away by weathering} 5: to produce gradually by friction or
attrition {~ a hole in the rug} 6: to exhaust or lessen the strength of :
WEARY, FATIGUE 7: to cause (a ship) to go about with the stern presented
to the wind 1a: to endure use : last under use or the passage of time 1b:
to retain quality or vitality 2: to diminish or decay through use {it grew
colder as the day woreX on} 3: to grow or become by attrition or use of a
ship 4: to go about by turning the stern to the wind : IRRITATE, FRAY :
to serve in prison - wear.able aj
2. wear n 1: the act of wearing : the state of being worn : USE {clothes
for everyday ~} 2a: clothing or an article of clothing usu. of a particular
kind; esp : clothing worn for a special occasion or popular during a
specific period 2b: FASHION, VOGUE 3: wearing quality : durability under
use 4: the result of wearing or use : diminution or impairment due to use
{ wear-resistant surface}