Cross references:
1. measure
1. gill \'jil\ n [ME gille]
2. gill \'gil\ \'gild\ n [ME gile, gille] 1: an organ (as of a fish) for
obtaining oxygen from water 2a: WATTLE 2b: the flesh under or about the
chin or jaws - usu. used in pl. 2c: one of the radiating plates forming
the undersurface of the cap of a mu shroom fungus - gilled aj
3. gill \'gil\ vb : to catch (fish) in a gill net of fish : to become
entangled in a gill net - n
4. gill \'gil\ n [ME gille, fr. ON gil] Brit 1: RAVINE Brit 2: a narrow
stream or rivulet
5. gill \'jil\ n [ME, fr. Gill, nickname for Gillian] often cap : GIRL,