Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. element               
ox.y.gen \'a:k-si-j*n\ \.a:k-si-'jen-ik\ \-j*-'nis-*t-e-\ n [F oxyge'ne, 
   fr. Gk oxys, adj., acid, lit., sharp + F -ge'ne often attrib X -gen; akin 
   to L acer sharp - more at EDGE : an element that is found free as a 
   colorless tasteless odorless gas in t he atmosphere of which it forms about 
   21 percent or combined in water, in most rocks and minerals, and in 
   numerous organic compounds, that is capable of combining with all elements 
   except the inert gases, is active in physiological processes, and is 
   involved esp. in combustion processes - ox.y.gen.ic aj