Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ease \'e-z\ n [ME ese, fr. OF aise convenience, comfort, fr. L 
   adjacent-, (Xadjacens neighborhood, fr. neut. of prp. of adjace-re to lie 
   near 1: the state of being comfortable : as  1a: freedom from pain or 
   discomfort  1b: freedom from care  1c: freedom from labor or difficulty  
   1d: freedom from embarrassment or constraint : NATURALNESS  2: relief from 
   discomfort or obligation  3: FACILITY, EFFORTLESSNESS  of a man in military 
   ranks  1: standing silently with the right foot in place  of a man marching 
    2: silent but relaxed from attention and free to break step  - at ease 
2. ease vt 1: to free from something that pains, disquiets, or burdens  2: 
   to make less painful : ALLEVIATE {~ his suffering}  3a: to lessen the 
   pressure or tension of esp. by slackening, lifting, or s hifting 3b: to 
   moderate or reduce esp. in amount or intensity  4: to make less difficult 
   {~ credit}  5a: to put the helm of (a ship) alee  5b: to let (a helm or 
   rudder) come back a little after having been put har d over 1: to give 
   freedom or relief  2: to move or pass with freedom  3: MODERATE, SLACKEN