Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. male                  
1. mas.cu.line \'mas-ky*-l*n\ \-l*n-n*s\ \.mas-ky*-'lin-*t-e-\ aj [ME 
   masculin, fr. MF, fr. L masculinus, fr. masculus, n., mal]e, dim. of mas 
   male 1a: MALE  1b: MANLY  2: of, relating to, or constituting the gender 
   that ordinarily includes mo st words or grammatical forms referring to 
   males 3a: having or occurring in a stressed final syllable  3b: having the 
   final chord occurring on a strong beat  4: of or forming the formal, 
   active, or generative principle of the cosmos  - mas.cu.line.ly av
2. masculine n 1: a male person  2: a noun, pronoun, adjective, or 
   inflectional form or class of the masculi ne gender 3: the masculine gender