Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. number                
hun.dred or by the hundreds \'h*n-dr*d, -d*rd\ \-dr*dth, -dr*tth\ n or 
   hundreds or hundred [ME, fr. OE; akin to ON hundrath hundred; both fr. a 
   prehistoric WGmc-NGm] pl c compound whose constituents were akin 
   respectively to OE hund hundred and to Goth garathjan to count; akin to L 
   centum hundred, Gk hekaton, Av sat*m, OE ti-en ten - more at TEN, REASON 2: 
   the number occupying the position three to the left of the decimal point  
   in the Arabic system of numerals 3: a hundred-dollar bill  4: a subdivision 
   of some English and American counties  5: the numbers 100 to 999  : in 
   great numbers  - hundred aj