Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bill \'bil\ n [ME bile, fr. OE; akin to OE bill] 1: the jaws of a bird 
   together with their horny covering  2: a beak (as of a turtle) or other 
   mouthpart felt to resemble a bird's bil l 3: a projection of land like a 
   beak  4: the end of an anchor fluke or of a yard 
2. bill vi 1: to touch and rub bill to bill  2: to caress affectionately 
3. bill n [ME bil, fr. OE bill; akin to OHG bill pickax, Gk phitros)X log 
   1: a weapon used up to the 18th century that consists of a long staff termi 
   nating in a hook-shaped blade 2: BILLHOOK 
4. bill n [ME, fr. ML billa, alter. of bulla, fr. L, bubble, boss] 1a: a 
   written document  1b: MEMORANDUM  1c: LETTER  obs  2: a formal petition  3: 
   a draft of a law presented to a legislature for enactment  4: a declaration 
   in writing stating a wrong a complainant has suffered from  a defendant or 
   stating a breach of law by some person {a ~ of complaint} 5: a paper 
   carrying a statement of particulars (as a list of men and their  duties as 
   part of a ship's crew) 6a: an itemized account of the separate cost of 
   goods sold, services render ed, or work done : INVOICE 6b: a statement in 
   gross of a creditor's claim  6c: a statement of charges for food or drink : 
   CHECK  7a: a written or printed advertisement posted or otherwise 
   distributed to a nnounce an event of interest to the public; esp : an 
   announcement of a theatrical entertainment 7b: a programmed presentation : 
   the entertainment presented on a given pr ogram 8a: a piece of paper money  
   8b: an individual or commercial note 
5. bill vt 1a: to enter in or prepare a bill of (charges)  1b: to submit a 
   bill of charges to  1c: to enter (as passengers or freight) in a waybill  
   1d: to issue a bill of lading to or for  2a: to advertise esp. by posters 
   or placards  2b: to arrange for the presentation of