Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. cause                  2. think                 
1. rea.son \'re-z-*n\ n [ME resoun, fr. OF raison, fr. L ration-, ratio 
   reason,] computation; akin to Goth garathjan to count, L reri to calculate, 
   think, Gk arariskein to fit - more at ARM 1a: a statement offered in 
   explanation or justification  1b: a rational ground or motive  1c: a 
   sufficient ground of explanation or of logical defense  1d: the thing that 
   makes some fact intelligible : CAUSE  2a1: the power of comprehending, 
   inferring, or thinking esp. in orderly rat ional ways : INTELLIGENCE 2a2: 
   proper exercise of the mind  2a3: SANITY  2b: the sum of the intellectual 
   powers  archaic  3a: treatment that affords satisfaction  3b: a formal 
   accounting  : JUSTIFIABLY, RIGHTLY  - in reason 
2. reason \'re-z-nin, -*n-in\ \-n*r, -*n-*r\ vb or rea.son.ing 1: to use 
   the faculty of reason : THINK  obs  2a: to take part in conversation, 
   discussion, or argument  2b: to talk with another so as to influence his 
   actions or opinions  archaic  1: to justify or support with reasons  2: to 
   persuade or influence by use of reason  3: to discover, formulate, or 
   conclude by use of reason  - rea.son.er n