Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. direct                
im.me.di.ate \im-'e-d-e--*t, Brit often -'e--jit\ aj [LL immediatus, fr. L 
   in- + LL mediatus intermediate - more] at MEDIATE 1a: acting or being 
   without the intervention of another object, cause or a gency : DIRECT {the 
   ~ cause of death} 1b: present to the mind independently of other states or 
   factors {~R awareness} 3: being next in line or relation {~ parties to the 
   quarrel}  3a: made or done at once : INSTANT {an ~ need}  of time  3b: near 
   to or related to the present {the ~ past}  4: existing without intervening 
   space or substance {~ contact};  broadly : being near at hand {~ 