Webster's English Dictionary

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re.la.tion \ri-'la--sh*n\ n 1: the act of telling or recounting : ACCOUNT  
   2: an aspect or quality (as resemblance) that can be predicated only of two 
    or more things or parts taken together : CONNECTION 3: the referring by a 
   legal fiction of an act to a prior date as the time o f its taking effect 
   4a1: a person connected by consanguinity or affinity : RELATIVE  4a2: a 
   person legally entitled to a share of the property of an intestate  4b: 
   relationship by consanguinity or affinity : KINSHIP  5: REFERENCE, RESPECT 
   {in ~ to}  6a: the state of being mutually or reciprocally interested (as 
   in social or  commercial matters) pl  6b1: DEALINGS, AFFAIRS  6b2: