Webster's English Dictionary

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1. near \'ni(*)r\ av [ME ner, partly fr. ner nearer, fr. OE ne-ar, 
   comparative]of ne-ah nigh; partly fr. ON nr nearer, compar. of na-- 
   nigh - more at NIGH 1: at, within, or to a short distance or time  2: 
   ALMOST, NEARLY {~ dead}  3: CLOSELY, INTIMATELY {~ related}  archaic  4: 
2. near \(')ni(*)r\ pp : close to 
3. near \'ni(*)r\ aj 1: closely related or intimately associated  2a: not 
   far distant in time, place, or degree  2b: barely avoided  2c: CLOSE, 
   NARROW {a ~ miss}  3a: being the closer of two {~ side}  3b: being the 
   left-hand one of a pair {~ wheel of a cart}  4: DIRECT, SHORT {~est road}  
   5: CLOSEFISTED, STINGY  6a: closely resembling a prototype  6b: 
   approximating the genuine {~ silk}  - near.ly av
4. near \'ni(*)r\ vb : APPROACH