Webster's English Dictionary

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1. quar.rel \'kwo.r(-*)l, 'kwa:r(-*)l\ n [ME, fr. MF & OF; MF, square of 
   glass, fr. OF, square-headed arrow, building st]one, fr. (assumed) VL 
   quadrellum, dim. of L quadrum square; akin to L quattuor four - more at 
   FOUR 1: a square-headed bolt or arrow esp. for a crossbow  2: a small 
   quadrangular building member (as a diamond-shaped pane of glass) 
2. quarrel n [ME querele, fr. MF, complaint, fr. L querela, fr. queri to 
   c]omplain - more at WHEEZE 1: a ground of dispute or complaint  2: a 
   conflict between antagonists : ALTERCATION F: QUARREL implies a verbal 
   clash followed by strained or severed relations; WRANGLE suggests a noisy, 
   insistent dispute; ALTERCATION suggests determined verbal quarreling often 
   with blows; SQUABBLE implies childish and unseemly wrangling; SPAT implies 
   a lively but brief dispute over a trifle; TIFF suggests a trivial dispute 
   without serious consequence SYN syn WRANGLE, ALTERCATION, SQUABBLE, SPAT, 
3. quarrel or quar.rel.ler vi or quar.reled or quar.relled;  or 
   quar.rel.ing;  or quar.rel.ling 1a: to find fault : CAVIL  1b: DISAGREE  2: 
   to contend or dispute actively : SQUABBLE  - quar.rel.er n