1. in.stant \'in(t)-st*nt\ n [ME, fr. ML instant-, instans, fr. instant-,
instans, a]dj., instant, fr. L 1: an infinitesimal space of time : MOMENT
2: the present or current month
2. instant aj [ME, fr. MF or L; MF, fr. L instant-, instans, fr. prp. of
insta]re to stand upon, urge, fr. in- + stare to stand - more at STAND 1:
IMPORTUNATE, URGENT 2a: PRESENT, CURRENT 2b: of or occurring in the
present month 3: IMMEDIATE, DIRECT 4a: premixed or precooked for easy
final preparation 4b: immediately soluble in water - in.stant.ness n