Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. join                  
1. com.bine \k*m-'bi-n\ vb [ME combinen, fr. MF combiner, fr. LL combinare, 
   fr. L com]- + bini two by two 1: to bring into close relationship; specif : 
   to cause to unite in to a chemical compound 2: INTERMIX, BLEND  3: to 
   possess in combination  1a: to become one  1b: to unite to form a chemical 
   compound  2: to act together  - com.bin.er n
2. com.bine \'ka:m-.bi-n\ n 1: an act or result of combining  2: a 
   combination to effect some object  3: a harvesting machine that heads, 
   threshes, and cleans grain while moving  over a field
3. com.bine \'ka:m-.bi-n\ vt : to harvest with a combine