Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. introduce              2. suggest               
in.sin.u.ate \in-'sin-y*-.wa-t\ \-.wa-t-iv\ \-.wa-t-*r\ vb [L insinuatus, 
   pp. of insinuare, fr. in- + sinuare to b]end, curve, fr. sinus curve 1a: to 
   introduce (as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or cover t way 
   1b: HINT, IMPLY  2: to introduce (as oneself) by stealthy, smooth, or 
   artful means  archaic  1: to enter gently, slowly, or imperceptibly : CREEP 
    archaic  2: to ingratiate oneself  - in.sin.u.a.tive aj