Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. easy                   2. level                  3. suave                 
1. smooth \'smu:th\ aj [ME smothe, fr. OE smo-th; akin to OS smo-thi 
   smooth] 1a: having a continuous even surface  1b: being without hair  1c: 
   GLABROUS  1d: causing no resistance to sliding  2: free from obstructions 
   or impediments {broad ~ highways}  3: even and uninterrupted in flow or 
   flight  4: plausibly flattering : INGRATIATING  5a: SERENE, EQUABLE  5b: 
   AMIABLE, COURTEOUS  6: sounded without the aspirate - used of a Greek vowel 
   {~ breat hing} 7: not sharp or acid : BLAND  - smooth av
2. smooth vt 1: to make smooth  2a: to free from what is harsh or 
   disagreeable : POLISH  2b: SMOOTHE  3: to minimize (as a fault) in order to 
   allay anger or ill will : PAL LIATE 4: to free from obstruction or 
   difficulty  5a: to press flat  5b: to remove expression from (one's face) : 
   COMPOSE  6: to cause to lie evenly and in order : PREEN  : to become smooth 
    - smooth.er n
3. smooth n 1: a smooth part  2: the act of smoothing  3: a smoothing 