Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. new                   
1. mod.ern \'ma:d-*rn, nonstand 'ma:d-(*-)r*n\ \m*-'d*r-n*t-e-, ma:-\ 
   \'ma:d-*rn-le-\ \-*rn-n*s\ aj [LL modernus, fr. L modo just now, fr. modus 
   measure - more] at METE 1: of, relating to, or characteristic of the 
   present or the immediate past  : CONTEMPORARY cap  2: of, relating to, or 
   having the characteristics of the present or most r ecent period of 
   development of a language - mo.der.ni.ty n
2. modern n 1: a person of modern times or views  2: a style of printing 
   type distinguished by regularity of shape, precise c urves, straight 
   hairline serifs, and heavy downstrokes