Webster's English Dictionary

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1. un.til \*n-.til, -t*l, -.tel, .*n-, in some contexts *n-, *m-,\ pp [ME, 
   fr. un- unto, until (akin to OE oth to, until, OHG unt u] or *n-nto, until, 
   OE ende end) + til, till till chiefly Scot  1: TO  2: - used as a function 
   word to indicate continuance (as of an action or  condition) to a specified 
   time {stayed ~ morning} 3: BEFORE {not available ~ tomorrow} 
2. until cj 1: up to the time that {play continued ~ it got dark}  2: 
   before the time that {never able to relax ~ he took up fishing)> 3: to the 
   point or degree that {ran ~ he was breathless}