1. lit.ter \'lit-*r\ \-*-re-\ n [ME, fr. OF litiere, fr. lit bed, fr. L
lectus - more at MLIE 1a: a covered and curtained couch provided with
shafts and used for carryin g a single passenger 1b: a device (as a
stretcher) for carrying a sick or injured person 2a: material used as
bedding for animals 2b: the uppermost slightly decayed layer of organic
matter on the forest fl oor 3: the offspring at one birth of a multiparous
animal 4: an untidy accumulation of objects lying about : RUBBISH -
lit.tery aj
2. litter vt 1: BED 2: to give birth to (young) 3a: to strew with
scattered articles 3b: to scatter about in disorder 1: to give birth to a
litter 2: to strew litter