Webster's English Dictionary

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1. liv.ery \'liv-(*-)re-\ n [ME, fr. OF livree, lit., delivery, fr. livrer 
   to deliver, fr. L  often attrib Xliberare to free - more at LIBERATE 
   archaic  1: the apportioning of provisions esp. to servants : ALLOWANCE  
   2a: the distinctive clothing or badge formerly worn by the retainers of a p 
   erson of rank 2b: a servant's uniform  2c: distinctive dress : GARB  
   archaic  3a: one's retainers or retinue  3b: the members of a British 
   livery company  4a: the feeding, stabling, and care of horses for pay  4b: 
   a stable keeping horses and usu. carriages for hire  4c: a concern offering 
   vehicles of any of various kinds for rent  5: the act of delivering legal 
   possession of property 
2. livery aj 1: resembling liver  2: suggesting liver disorder : LIVERISH