Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. evident                2. show                  
1. man.i.fest \'man-*-.fest\ \.man-*-'fes-t*t-iv\ \'man-*-.fest-le-\ aj 
   [ME, fr. MF or L; MF manifeste, fr. L manifestus, lit., hit by the]hand, 
   fr. manus + -festus (akin to L infestus hostile) - more at DARE 1: readily 
   perceived by the senses and esp. by the sight  2: easily understood or 
   recognized by the mind : OBVIOUS  - man.i.fes.ta.tive aj
2. manifest vt : to make evident or certain by showing or displaying  - 
   man.i.fest.er n
3. manifest n 1: MANIFESTATION, INDICATION  2: MANIFESTO  3: a list (as of 
   passengers) or an invoice of cargo for a ship or plane