Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dare \'da(*)r, 'de(*)r\ \'dar-*r, 'der-\ vb [ME dar (1st & 3d sing. 
   pres. indic.), fr. OE dear; akin to OHG gi(Xtar (1st & 3d sing. pres. 
   indic.) dare, L infestus hostile : to be sufficiently courageous to {no one 
   dared say a word}  : to have sufficient courage  1a: to challenge to 
   perform an action esp. as a proof of courage {I ~  you} 1b: to confront 
   boldly  2: to have the courage to contend against, venture, or try  - 
   dar.er n
2. dare n 1: an act or instance of daring : CHALLENGE  2: imaginative or 
   vivacious boldness : DARING