Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mare n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG mara incubus, Croatian mora] obs  : an 
   evil preternatural being causing nightmare 
2. mare \'ma(*)r, 'me(*)r\ n [ME, fr. OE mere; akin to OHG merha mare, OE 
   mearh horse, W (Xmarch : a female horse or other equine animal esp. when 
   fully mature or of breed ing age
3. ma.re \'ma--(.)re-, 'ma:r-(.)a-\ \'ma--re--*, 'ma:r-e--*\ n or ma.ria 
   [NL, fr. L, sea - more at MARINE] pl  : one of several dark areas of 
   considerable extent on the surface of the m oon or Mars