Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. monopoly              
1. pool \'pu:l\ n [ME, fr. OE po-l; akin to OHG pfuol pool] 1: a small and 
   rather deep body of usu. fresh water  2: a small body of standing liquid : 
   PUDDLE  3: a continuous area of porous sedimentary rock which yields 
   petroleum or g as
2. pool n [F poule, lit., hen, fr. OF, fem. of poul cock - more at PULLE]T 
   1a: an aggregate stake to which each player of a game has contributed  1b: 
   all the money bet by a number of persons on a particular event  2a: a game 
   played on an English billiard table in which each of the players  stakes a 
   sum and the winner takes all 2b: any of various games of billiards played 
   on a pool table having 6 pocke ts with usu. 15 object balls 3: an 
   aggregation of the interests or property of different persons made to  
   further a joint undertaking by subjecting them to the same control and a 
   common liability : as 3a: a common fund or combination of interests for the 
   common adventure in b uying or selling; esp : one for speculating in or 
   manipulating the market price of securities or commodities (as grain) 3b: a 
   combination between competing business houses for the control of traf fic 
   by removing competition 4: a fencing contest in which each member of a team 
   successively engages ea ch member of another team 5: a readily available 
   supply : as  5a: the whole quantity of a particular material present in the 
   body and ava ilable for function or the satisfying of metabolic demands 5b: 
   a body product (as blood) collected from many donors and stored for lat er 
3. pool vt : to contribute to a common fund or effort