Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mar.row \'mar-(.)o-, -*(-w)\ \-o--l*s, -*-l*s\ \'mar-*-we-\ n [ME 
   marowe, fr. OE mearg; akin to OHG marag marrow, Skt ma]jjan 1a: a soft 
   highly vascular modified connective tissue that occupies the cav ities and 
   cancellous part of most bones 1b: the substance of the spinal cord  2: the 
   choicest part : as  2a: the choicest of food  2b: the seat of animal vigor  
   2c: the inmost, best, or essential part  chiefly Brit  3: VEGETABLE MARROW  
   - mar.row.less aj
2. marrow n [ME marwe, marrow] chiefly Scot  : one of a pair : MATCH, EQUAL