Webster's English Dictionary

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1. row \'ro-\ \'ro-(-*)r\ vb [ME rowen, fr. OE ro-wan; akin to MHG ru:ejen 
   to row, L (Xremus oar 1: to propel a boat by means of oars  2: to move by 
   or as if by the propulsion of oars  1a: to propel with or as if with oars  
   1b: to be equipped with (a specified number of oars)  1c1: to participate 
   in (a rowing match)  1c2: to compete against in rowing  1c3: to pull (an 
   oar) in a crew  2: to transport in a boat propelled by oars  - row.er n
2. row n : an act or instance of rowing 
3. row n [ME rawe; akin to OE r-w row, OHG ri-ga line,]L rima slit 1: 
   a number of objects in an orderly series or sequence  2a: WAY, STREET  2b: 
   a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupanc y 
   3: a continuous strip usu. running horizontally or parallel to a base line 
4. row vt : to form into rows 
5. row \'rau.\ n [origin unknown] : a noisy disturbance or quarrel : BRAWL 
6. row \'rau.\ vi : to engage in a row