Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. same                  
1. equal \'e--kw*l\ aj [ME, fr. L aequalis, fr. aequus level, equal] 1a1: 
   of the same measure, quantity, amount, or number as another : LI KE 1a2: 
   identical in mathematical value or logical denotation : EQUIVALE NT 1b: 
   like in quality, nature, or status  1c: UNIFORM  2: regarding or affecting 
   all objects in the same way : IMPARTIAL  3: free from extremes : as  3a: 
   tranquil of mind or mood  3b: not showing variation in appearance, 
   structure, or proportion  4a: capable of meeting the requirements of a 
   situation or a task  4b: SUITABLE 
2. equal n 1: one that is equal  2: an equal quantity 
3. equal vt or equaled or equalled;  or equal.ing;  or equal.ling archaic  
   1: EQUALIZE  2: to be equal to; specif : to be identical in value to  3: to 
   make or produce something equal to : MATCH