Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cord \'ko.(*)rd\ n [ME, fr. OF corde, fr. L chorda string, fr. Gk 
   chorde- -] more at YARN 1a: a string consisting of several strands woven or 
   twisted together  1b: the hangman's rope  2: a moral, spiritual, or 
   emotional bond  3a: an anatomical structure (as a nerve) resembling a cord  
   3b: a small flexible insulated electrical cable having a plug at one or bot 
   h ends used to connect a lamp or other appliance with a receptacle 4: a 
   unit of wood cut for fuel equal to a stack 4x4x8 feet or 128 cubic fee t 
   5a: a rib like a cord on a textile  5b1: a fabric made with such ribs or a 
   garment made of such a fabric  pl  5b2: trousers made of such fabric 
2. cord vt 1: to furnish, bind, or connect with a cord  2: to pile up 
   (wood) in cords  - cord.er n