1. match \'mach\ n [ME macche, fr. OE mcca; akin to OE macian to make
-m more at MAKE 1a: a person or thing equal or similar to another 1b: one
able to cope with another 1c: an exact counterpart 2: a pair suitably
associated {carpet and curtains are a ~} 3: a process of matching; esp : a
contest between two or more parti es 4a: a marriage union 4b: a
prospective partner in marriage
2. match vt 1a: to encounter successfully as an antagonist 1b1: to set in
competition with or opposition to {~ing his s trength against his enemy's}
1b2: to provide with a worthy competitor 1c: to set in comparison with 2:
to join or give in marriage 3a1: to put in a set possessing equal or
harmonizing attributes 3a2: to cause to correspond : SUIT 3b1: to be the
counterpart of 3b2: to harmonize with 3c: to provide with a counterpart
4: to fit together or make suitable for fitting together 5a: to flip or
toss (coins) and compare exposed faces 5b: to toss coins with : to be a
counterpart - n
3. match n [ME macche, fr. MF meiche] 1: a chemically prepared wick or cord
formerly used in firing firearms or p owder 2: a short slender piece of
wood or other flammable material tipped with a combustible mixture that
bursts into flame through friction (as by being scratched against a rough