Webster's English Dictionary

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ma.te.ri.al.ism \m*-'tir-e--*-.liz-*m\ \-l*st\ \-.tir-e--*-'lis-tik\ 
   \-ti-k(*-)le-\ n 1a: a theory that physical matter is the only reality and 
   that all being an d processes and phenomena can be explained as 
   manifestations or results of matter 1b: a doctrine that the only or the 
   highest values or objectives lie in mat erial well-being and in the 
   furtherance of material progress 1c: a doctrine that economic or social 
   change is materially caused  2: a preoccupation with or stress upon 
   material rather than intellectual or  spiritual things - ma.te.ri.al.ist 
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