Cross references:
1. healthy
1. well \'wel\ n [ME welle, fr. OE (northern & Midland dial.) welle; akin
to OHG ]wella wave, OE weallan to bubble, boil 1a: an issue of water from
the earth : a pool fed by a spring 1b: FOUNTAIN, WELLSPRING 2: a pit or
hole sunk into the earth to reach a supply of water 3a: an enclosure in
the middle of a ship's hold to protect from damage and facilitate the
inspection of the pumps 3b: a compartment in the hold of a fishing boat in
which fish are kept aliv e 4: a shaft or hole sunk to obtain oil, brine, or
gas 5: an open space having a construction or shape suggesting a well for
water 7a: something resembling a well in being damp, cool, deep, or dark
7b: a deep vertical hole 7c: a deep reservoir from which one may draw
2. well vb [ME wellen, fr. OE (northern & Midland dial.) wellan to cause to
we]ll; akin to MHG wellen to cause to well, OE weallan to bubble, boil, L
volvere to roll - more at VOLUBLE 1: to rise to the surface and usu. flow
forth 2: to rise to the surface like a flood of liquid {longing ~edX up in
his breast} : to pour forth from the depths
3. well \'bet-*r\ \'best\ av or bet.ter; or best [ME wel, fr. OE; akin to
OHG wela well, OE wyllan to wish -] more at WILL 1a: in a good or proper
manner : JUSTLY, RIGHTLY 1b: satisfactorily with respect to conduct or
action {did ~ in mat h} 2: in a kindly or friendly manner 3a: with skill
or aptitude : EXPERTLY {paints ~} 3b: SATISFACTORILY 3c: with good
appearance or effect : ELEGANTLY {carried himself ~} 4: ATTENTIVELY 5: to
a high degree {~ deserved the honor well-equipped kitc hen} 6: FULLY, QUITE
{~ worth the price} 7a: FITTINGLY, RIGHTLY 7b: in a prudent manner :
SENSIBLY - used with do 8: in accordance with the occasion or
circumstances : NATURALLY (cannot ~ refuse} 9a: as one could wish :
10b: in all likelihood : INDEED 11: in a prosperous or affluent manner {he
lives ~} 12: THOROUGHLY, COMPLETELY {after being ~ dried with a sponge}
13: without doubt or question : CLEARLY 14: CONSIDERABLY, FAR {~ over a
million} 1: in addition : ALSO {other features as well} 2: to the same
extent or degree : as much {open as well to the p oor as to the rich} 3:
with equivalent or comparable effect : and not only : and in addition
{skillful as well as strong} - as well
4. well ij 1: - used to express surprise or expostulation 2: - used to
indicate resumption of a thread of discourse or to introduc e a remark
5. well aj 1: being in good standing or favor 2: SATISFACTORY, PLEASING
{all's ~ that ends well} 3a: PROSPEROUS, WELL-OFF 3b: being in
satisfactory condition or circumstances 4: ADVISABLE, DESIRABLE {not ~ to
anger him} 5a: free or recovered from infirmity or disease : HEALTHY {a @
man} 5b: CURED, HEALED {the wound is nearly ~} 6: pleasing or satisfactory
in appearance 7: being a cause for thankfulness : FORTUNATE {it is ~ tha t
this has happened}