Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lie \'li-\ \'la-\ \'la-n\ \'li--in\ \'li-(-*)r\ vi or lay;  or lain or 
   ly.ing [ME lien, fr. OE licgan; akin to OHG ligen to lie, L lectu]s bed, Gk 
   lechos 1a: to be or to stay at rest in a horizontal position : be prostrate 
   :  REST, RECLINE {~ motionless ~ asleep} 1b: to assume a horizontal 
   position - often used with down  archaic  1c: to reside temporarily : stay 
   for the night : LODGE  archaic  1d: to have sexual intercourse - used with 
   with  1e: to stay in concealment {~ in wait}  2: to be in a helpless or 
   defenseless state {lying in prison}  of an inanimate thing  3: to be or 
   remain in a flat or horizontal position upon a broad support <(lying on the 
   table} 4: to have direction : EXTEND {route lay to the west}  5a: to occupy 
   a certain relative place or position {hills ~ behind  us} 5b: to have a 
   place in relation to something else {real reason ~Xs deeper} 5c: to have an 
   effect through mere presence, weight, or relative position  {remorse lay 
   heavily on him} 5d: to be sustainable or admissible  6: to remain at anchor 
   or becalmed  7: to remain unused or uncared for {~ on the shelf}  1: to lie 
   prostrate, defeated, or disgraced  2: to stay in hiding : strive to avoid 
   notice  3: to bide one's time : remain secretly ready for action  - li.er n
2. lie n 1: the position or situation in which something lies  chiefly Brit 
    2: LAY  3: the haunt of an animal (as a fish) : COVERT  Brit  4: an act or 
   instance of lying or resting 
3. lie \'li--in\ vb or lied;  or ly.ing [ME lien, fr. OE le-ogan; akin to 
   OHG liogan to lie, OSlav] lubreve>gati 1: to make an untrue statement with 
   intent to deceive  2: to create a false or misleading impression  : to 
   affect by telling lies  mean to tell an untruth. LIE is the direct term, 
   imputing dishonesty; PREVARICATE softens the bluntness of LIE by implying 
   quibbling or confusing the issue; EQUIVOCATE implies using words having 
   more than one sense so as to seem to say one thing but intend another; 
   PALTER implies making unreliable statements of fact or intention or 
   insincere promises; FIB applies to a telling of an untruth that is trivial 
   in substance or significance SYN syn LIE, PREVARICATE, EQUIVOCATE, PALTER, 
4. lie n 1a: an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker to 
   be untrue  with intent to deceive 1b: an untrue or inaccurate statement 
   that may or may not be believed true  by the speaker 2: something that 
   misleads or deceives  3: a charge of lying