Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. place                  2. show                  
1. straight \'stra-t\ aj [ME streght, straight, fr. pp. of strecchen to 
   stretch] 1a: free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities {~ hair}  
   {~ timber} {~ stream} 1b: generated by a point moving continuously in the 
   same direction and exp ressed by a linear equation {~ line ~ segment of a 
   curve} 2: DIRECT, UNINTERRUPTED : as  2a: lying along or holding to a 
   direct or proper course or method {the (R@er path there} {~ thinker} 2b: 
   CANDID, FRANK {~ speech} {a ~ answer}  2c: coming directly from a 
   trustworthy source {a ~ tip on the hors es} 2d: having the elements in an 
   order {the ~ sequence of events}  2e: having the cylinders arranged in a 
   single straight line {a ~ e ight-cylinder engine} 2f: UPRIGHT, VERTICAL  
   3a: JUST, VIRTUOUS {~ dealing}  3b: properly ordered or arranged {set the 
   kitchen ~}  3c: free from extraneous matter : UNMIXED {writes ~ humor)> 3d: 
   marked by no exceptions or deviations in one's support of a principle  or 
   party {a ~ Republican a ~ ballot} 3e: having a fixed price for each 
   regardless of the number sold {cigars  10 cents ~} 3f: not deviating from 
   the general norm or prescribed pattern {a ~  part} - straight.ly av
2. straight av : in a straight manner 
3. straight vt chiefly Scot  : STRAIGHTEN 
4. straight n 1: something that is straight : as  1a: a straight line or 
   arrangement  1b: STRAIGHTAWAY; esp : HOMESTRETCH  1c: a true or honest 
   report or course  2a: a sequence (as of shots, strokes, or moves) resulting 
   in a perfect scor e in a game or contest 2b: first place at the finish of a 
   horse race : WIN  3: a combination of five cards in sequence in a poker 