Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. fair                   2. upright               
1. just \'j*st\  var of JOUST 
2. just \'j*st\ \'j*s(t)-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF & L; MF juste, fr. L justus, 
   fr. jus right, law;]akin to Skt yos welfare 1a: having a basis in or 
   conforming to fact or reason : REASONABLE  {a ~ comment} archaic  1b: 
   faithful to an original  1c: conforming to a standard of correctness : 
   PROPER {~ pr oportions} 2a1: morally right or good : RIGHTEOUS {a ~ war}  
   2a2: MERITED, DESERVED {~ punishment}  2b: legally right {a ~ title}  - 
   just.ly av
3. just \(.)j*st, (.)jist, (.)jest\ av 1a: EXACTLY, PRECISELY {~ right}  
   1b: very recently {the bell ~ rang}  2a: by a very small margin : BARELY {~ 
   too late}  2b: IMMEDIATELY, DIRECTLY {~ west of here}  3a: ONLY, MERELY {~ 
   a note}  3b: QUITE, VERY {~ wonderful}