Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mouse \'mau.s\ \'mi-s\ n or mice [ME, fr. OE mu-s; akin to OHG mu-s 
   mouse, L mus, Gk ] pl mys mouse, muscle 1: any of numerous small rodents 
   (as of the genus Mus) with pointed s nout, rather small ears, elongated 
   body, and slender tail slang  2a: WOMAN  2b: a timid person  3: a 
   dark-colored swelling caused by a blow; specif : a black eye 
2. mouse \'mau.z\ vi 1: to hunt for mice  2: to search or move slyly  obs  
   1a: BITE, GNAW  1b: to toy with roughly  2: to search for carefully