Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hunt \'h*nt\ vb [ME hunten, fr. OE huntian; akin to OHG herihunda battle 
   spoi]ls 1a: to pursue for food or in sport {~ buffalo}  1b: to manage in 
   the search for game {~s a pack of dogs}  2a: to pursue with intent to 
   capture  2b: to search out : SEEK  3: to drive or chase esp. by harrying  
   4: to traverse in quest of prey {~s the woods}  1: to take part in a hunt  
   2: to attempt to find something 
2. hunt n 1: an act, practice, or instance of hunting  2: an association of 
   huntsmen; esp : persons with horses and dogs e ngaged in hunting or riding 
   to hounds