Cross references:
1. trifle
1. toy \'to.i\ \'\ n [ME toye dalliance] obs 1a: amorous
dalliance : FLIRTING 1b: PASTIME, SPORT; also : a sportive or amusing act
:: ANTIC 2a: something paltry or trifling 2b: a literary or musical trifle
or diversion 2c: TRINKET, BAUBLE 3: something for a child to play with
4: something diminutive; esp : a diminutive animal (as of a small b reed or
variety) 5: something that can be toyed with Scot 6: a headdress of linen
or woolen hanging down over the shoulders and forme rly worn by old women
of the lower classes - toy aj
2. toy \'to.i(-*)r\ vi 1: to engage in flirtation : DALLY 2: to amuse
oneself as if with a toy : PLAY - n