Webster's English Dictionary

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1. mow \'mau.\ n [ME, heap, stack fr. OE mu-ga; akin to ON mu-gi heap, Gk 
   m]yko-n : the part of a barn where hay or straw is stored 
2. mow \'mo-\ \'mo-n\ \'mo-(-*)r\ vb or mowed;  or mowed;  or mown or 
   mow.ing [ME mowen, fr. OE ma-wan; akin to OHG ma-en to mow, L (Xmetere to 
   reap, mow, Gk aman 1a: to cut down with a scythe or sickle or machine  1b: 
   to cut the standing herbage (as grass) of  2a1: to kill or destroy in great 
   numbers or without mercy or concern  2a2: to cause to fall  2b: to overcome 
   swiftly and decisively : ROUT  : to cut down standing herbage (as grass)  - 
   mow.er n
3. mow \'mau., 'mo-\ n [ME mowe, fr. MF moue, of Gmc origin; akin to MD 
   mouwe protru]ding lip : GRIMACE 
4. mow \'mau., 'mo-\ vi : to make grimaces