Webster's English Dictionary

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mer.cy \'m*r-se-\ n [ME, fr. OF merci, fr. ML merced-, merces, fr. L, price 
   paid,] wages, fr. merc-, merx merchandise - more at MARKET 1a: compassion 
   or forbearance shown to an offender or subject : CLEMEN CY 1b: imprisonment 
   rather than death imposed as penalty for first-degree murd er 2a: a 
   blessing that is an act of divine favor or compassion  2b: a fortunate 
   circumstance  3: relief of distress : compassion shown to victims of 
   misfortune M implies compassion that forbears punishing even when justice 
   demands it; CHARITY stresses benevolence and goodwill shown in broad 
   understanding and tolerance of others and generous forgiving or overlooking 
   of their faults or failures; CLEMENCY implies a mild or merciful 
   disposition in one having the power or duty of punishing; GRACE may combine 
   the implications of CHARITY and CLEMENCY; LENITY implies lack of severity 
   in punishing - mercy aj SYN syn CHARITY, CLEMENCY, GRACE, LENITY: MERCY