Cross references:
1. crowd 2. conquer
1. rout \'rau.t\ n [ME route, fr. MF, troop, defeat, fr. (assumed) VL
rupta, fr. L, fe]m. of ruptus, pp. of rumpere to break - more at REAVE 1:
MOB, THRONG; specif : RABBLE 2a: DISTURBANCE archaic 2b: FUSS 3: a
fashionable gathering : RECEPTION
2. rout vi [ME rowten, fr. ON rauta; akin to OE re-otan to weep, L Xrudere
to roar dial chiefly Brit : to low loudly : BELLOW - used of cattle
3. rout vb [alter. of 3root] 1: to poke around with the snout : ROOT 2: to
search haphazardly : RUMMAGE archaic 1a: to dig up with the snout 1b: to
gouge out or make a furrow in (as wood or metal); specif : to cut away (as
blank parts) from a printing surface (as an engraving or electrotype) with
a router 2a: to expel by force : EJECT - usu. used with out 2b: to cause
to emerge esp. from bed : ROUSE 3: to come up with : DISCOVER, UNCOVER
4. rout n [MF route troop, defeat] 1: a state of wild confusion or
disorderly retreat 2a: a disastrous defeat : DEBACLE 2b: a precipitate
flight 2c: an act or instance of routing
5. rout vt 1a: to disorganize completely : DEMORALIZE; esp : to put t o
precipitate flight 1b: to defeat decisively : OVERWHELM 2: to drive out :