Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stack \'stak\ n [ME stak, fr. ON stakkr; akin to OE staca stake] 1: a 
   large usu. conical pile (as of hay) left standing in the field for sto rage 
   2a: an orderly pile or heap  2b: a large quantity or number  3: an English 
   unit of measure esp. for firewood that is equal to 108 cubic  feet 4a: a 
   number of flues embodied in one structure rising above a roof  4b: a 
   vertical pipe (as to carry off smoke)  4c: the exhaust pipe of an 
   internal-combustion engine  5: a pyramid of three rifles interlocked  6: a 
   structure of bookshelves for compact storage of books - usu. used in  pl. 
   7: a pile of chips sold to or won by a poker player 
2. stack vt 1: to arrange in a stack : PILE  2: to arrange secretly for 
   cheating {the cards were ~ed agai nst him} 3: to assign (an airplane) by 
   radio to a particular altitude and position  within a group circling before 
   landing : to form a stack  - stack.er n