Webster's English Dictionary

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1. non.sense \'na:n-.sen(t)s, 'na:n(t)-s*n(t)s\ \(')na:n-'sen(t)-si-k*l\ 
   \-k(*-)le-\ \-k*l-n*s\ n 1a: words or language having no meaning or 
   conveying no intelligible ideas  1b: language or conduct that is absurd or 
   contrary to good sense  2a: things of no importance or value : TRIFLES  2b: 
   foolish, affected, or impudent conduct or manner : HUMBUG  - non.sen.si.cal 
2. nonsense aj : being a simulated unit of speech fabricated by arbitrary 
   grouping of sp eech sounds or symbols {/'shkro.g-.thi--*mpth/ is a ~ word} 
   {~ syllable}