Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. work                  
oc.cu.pa.tion \.a:k-y*-'pa--sh*n\ n [ME occupacioun, fr. MF occupation, fr. 
   L occupation-, occ]upatio, fr. occupatus, pp. of occupare 1a: an activity 
   in which one engages  1b: the principal business of one's life : VOCATION  
   2a: the possession, use, or settlement of land : OCCUPANCY  2b: the holding 
   of an office or position  3: the act or process of taking possession of a 
   place or area  4a: the holding and control of an area by a foreign military 
   force  4b: the military force occupying a country or the policies carried 
   out by i t