Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. work                  
busi.ness \'biz-n*s, -n*z\ n often attrib  archaic  1: BUSYNESS  2a: 
   OCCUPATION, CALLING  2b: an immediate task or objective : MISSION  3a: a 
   commercial or industrial enterprise  3b: TRADE, COMMERCE; esp : PATRONAGE  
   4: AFFAIR, MATTER {a strange ~}  5: movement or action (as lighting a 
   cigarette) by an actor intended esp. t o establish atmosphere, reveal 
   character, or explain a situation 6: a rightful interest : personal concern 
   {none of your ~}  7a: a maximum effort; esp : a damaging assault  7b: 
   DOUBLE CROSS FIC mean activity in supplying commodities. BUSINESS may be an 
   inclusive term but specifically designates the activities of those engaged 
   in the purchase or sale of commodities or in related financial 
   transactions; COMMERCE and TRADE imply the exchange and transportation of 
   commodities; INDUSTRY applies to the producing of commodities, esp. by 
   manufacturing or processing, on so large a scale that capital and labor are 
   significantly involved; TRAFFIC applies to the operation and functioning of 
   public carriers of goods and persons SYN syn BUSINESS, COMMERCE, TRADE,