1. op.po.site \'a:p-*-z*t, 'a:p-s*t\ n 1: something that is opposed or
contrary 2: ANTONYM
2. opposite aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L oppositus, pp. of opponere] 1a: set over
against something that is at the other end or side of an inte rvening line
or space {~ interior angles ~ ends of a diameter} 1b1: situated in pairs on
an axis each being separated from the other by h alf the circumference of
the axis {~ leaves} of floral parts 1b2: SUPERPOSED 2a: OPPOSED, HOSTILE
{~ sides of the question} 2b: diametrically different : CONTRARY {~
meanings} 3: contrarily turned or moving {go in ~ directions} applies to
things in sharp contrast or in conflict; CONTRADICTORY applies to two
things that completely negate each other so that if one is true or valid
the other must be untrue or invalid; CONTRARY implies extreme divergence or
diametrical opposition; ANTITHETICAL stresses clear and unequivocal
diametrical opposition - op.po.site.ly av SYN syn CONTRADICTORY, CONTRARY,
3. opposite av : on opposite sides
4. opposite pp 1: across from and usu. facing or on the same level with 2:
in a role complementary to