parenthesis or \p*-'ren(t)-th*-s*s\ \-th*\
\.par-*n-'thet-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ n or [LL, fr. Gk,
lit., act of inserting, fr. parentithenai to insert, fr. ] pl para- + en- +
tithenai to place - more at DO 1a: an amplifying or explanatory word,
phrase, or sentence inserted in a pa ssage from which it is usu. set off by
punctuation 1b: a remark or passage that departs from the theme of a
discourse : D IGRESSION 2: INTERLUDE, INTERVAL 3: one of the curved marks
. used in writing and printing to enclose a pare nthetic expression or to
group a symbolic unit in a logical or mathematical expression -
par.en.thet.i.c aj