Webster's English Dictionary

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1. dis.course \'dis-.ko-(*)rs, -.ko.(*)rs, dis-'\ n [ME discours, fr. ML & 
   LL discursus; ML, argument, fr. LL, conversa]tion, fr. L, act of running 
   about, fr. discursus, pp. of discurrere to run about, fr. dis- + currere to 
   run archaic  1: the capacity of orderly thought or procedure : RATIONALITY  
   2: verbal interchange of ideas; often : CONVERSATION  3: formal and orderly 
   and usu. extended expression of thought on a subject  obs  4: social 
2. dis.course \dis-'ko-(*)rs, -'ko.(*)rs, 'dis-.\ vi 1: to express oneself 
   in esp. oral discourse  2: TALK, CONVERSE  archaic  : to give forth : UTTER 
    - dis.cours.er n