1. pa.trol \p*-'tro-l\ n 1a: the action of traversing a district or beat or
of going the rounds alon g a chain of guards for the purpose of observation
or of the maintenance of security 1b: the person performing such an action
1c: a detachment of two or more men employed for reconnaissance, security,
or combat 2a: a subdivision of a boy scout troop made up of two or more
boys 2b: a subdivision of a girl scout troop usu. composed of from six to
eight girls
2. patrol vb or pa.trolled; or pa.trol.ling [F patrouiller, fr. MF, to
tramp around in the mud, fr. patte paw -m more at PATTEN : to carry out a
patrol : to carry out a patrol of - pa.trol.ler n