Webster's English Dictionary

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1. chain \'cha-n\ n [ME cheyne, fr. OF chaeine, fr. L catena; akin to L 
   cassis] net 1a: a series of usu. metal links or rings connected to or 
   fitted into one a nother and used for various purposes (as support, 
   restraint, or transmission of mechanical power) 1b: a series of links used 
   or worn as an ornament or insignia  1c1: a measuring instrument of 100 
   links used in surveying  1c2: a unit of length equal to 66 feet  2: 
   something that confines, restrains, or secures  3a: a series of things 
   linked, connected, or associated together  3b: a number of atoms united 
   like links in a chain 
2. chain vt : to fasten, bind, or connect with a chain; also : FETTER