Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tramp \'tramp, vi 1 & vt 1 are also 'tra:mp, 'tro.mp\ vb [ME trampen; 
   akin to MLG trampen to stamp, OE treppan to trea]d - more at TRAP 1: to 
   walk, tread, or step esp. heavily  2a: to travel about on foot : HIKE  2b: 
   to journey as a tramp  1: to tread on forcibly and repeatedly : TRAMPLE  2: 
   to travel or wander through on foot  - tramp.er n
2. tramp \'tramp, 3, 4 are also 'tra:mp, 'tro.mp\ n 1a: a foot traveler  
   1b: a begging or thieving vagrant  1c: PROSTITUTE  2: a walking trip : HIKE 
    3: the succession of sounds made by the beating of feet on a road, 
   pavement , or floor 4: an iron plate to protect the sole of a shoe  5: a 
   ship not making regular trips but taking cargo when and where it offer s 
   and to any port